To finally achieve the ® for my trademark on August 27th, 2024 was a deep joy for me! I had tm'd this two years ago. And finally with the help of California Intellectual Property Attorney, Michelle Miu Epstein/Miu Epstein Law was able to complete the process with the United States Patent and Trademark Office. I am proud of this accomplishment, because in sessions my clients continually report to me "having fun," "being themselves," and "enjoying the shoot!" I reflected that what is going on for me ~ is "catching" them exactly as they are...the "light behind their eyes." Friends and Family have affirmed that they can see this in my clients. This was a happy moment for me just days ago.
This has been a summer of engagement sessions for Scott Sater Photography! Living near the planet's largest freshwater lake (by surface area) has been an exciting location for couples choosing to celebrate their love for each other! Dylan and Amina were especially unique as it was a LIVE PROPOSAL Session! I kept telling Dylan "how cool you are, Sir!" and was profoundly hoping that she would say "yes!" (Of course she did!) It was magical!

And then there was seeing, hearing, and meeting my fave pro Jazz Vocalist, Emilie Claire Barlow at Crooner's in Minneapolis, Minnesota last month! What an artist she is! And a person of compassion!

Up next for Scott Sater Photography are another engagement session, two high school senior portrait sessions, an anniversary celebration portrait sessions, and a small wedding! I'm grateful for the good work here on the North Shore of Minnesota, the Arrowhead Region of the state, the Central portion of Brainerd Lakes, and the Twin Cities for inviting me into memorable keepsake sessions.
One final joy was being nominated as Brainerd Lakes Photographer of the Year this summer as well! Profoundly grateful for the affirmation!
